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Dec 20, 2008

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Age: 37
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State: South Carolina
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Signup Date: 05/22/05

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Thursday, June 26, 2008


How do You Communicate?
Current mood: crazy
Category: Friends

It makes me feel like a narcissist.  Ok, yeah, I *am* a total narcissist, but usually I'm oblivious to it (since I naturally don't care what you think!).  So, what's brought this to my concious awareness is just how many different ways I've felt the need to announce that I'm getting people together for my birthday Saturday, 8pm at Monterrey on Laurens.

It's nice that technology has given us so many ways to communicate with friends and family, to tell them that one is getting people together for my birthday Saturday, 8pm at Monterrey on Laurens.  The problem is that there are so many ways to communicate with friends and family, to tell them that one is getting people together for my birthday Saturday, 8pm at Monterrey on Laurens!

Really I don't think it's a big deal, I'm not throwing a big party, and don't expect jack squat in gifts (seriously, don't!).  But I do want a wide variety of people to at least hear about it and feel invited to my birthday Saturday, 8pm at Monterrey on Laurens.  I've sent e-mails, made phone calls, posted bulletins, sent Myspace messages, sent text messages, and even talked to people in person - just to cover a small band of friends.

I've learned recently just how much different people adopt different means of communication - and embrace one of them almost totally.  I used to trade emails  a dozen at a time with several people, now I can *only* get a response of out them from a text message.  Others still pick up the phone for everything.  I still much prefer to type things out and put them up either on Myspace for bulk viewing, or by regular email for person-to-person dispatches.  But I can't make everyone else bend to just my way of operating - so you're gonna get a multi-media blast of content should I want to tell you something like if I was to get people together for my birthday Saturday, 8pm at Monterrey on Laurens.

How do you prefer to RSVP,  I mean, communicate?

Currently listening :
Coconut Telegraph
By Jimmy Buffett
Release date: By 1990-10-25

4:55 PM - 3 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove -


e.g. - It's already after 1pm, and I only just now realized that I don't have my phone with me today. I have no idea where it is, and only wanted it to put in a phone number gotten off here. Yup, I am definitely an online person, not a phone/txt person.

Posted by HVY MTL on Jun 26, 2008 12:15 PM
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I guess there is the second half of communication..the listening/hearing...hopefully no one will ask where and when after reading your detailed annoucements.

hope you have a great celebration this weekend!

Posted by Cynthia on Jun 26, 2008 12:55 PM
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Huh? Did somebody say something?

Posted by HVY MTL on Jun 26, 2008 1:14 PM
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