Dear Lord C’thulu
Category: Movies, TV, Celebrities
A worthy repost from an e-acquaintance... === Dear Lord C'thulhu,
awaken and destroy mankind so I don't have to live on a planet or share
the same species with neocon Nazis and people like this:
Yours truly,
TJ ===
Plus - the week's oddest new story: "The woman said she was sitting at a table at the library and saw Dwight Pannell pass her several times.
A short time after the last time he went by, the woman said she heard a noise and then felt something cold on her feet.
When she looked under the table, she said she saw Pannell squirting salt water on her shoes with a syringe." http://www.wlwt.com/news/16422676/detail.html
Pannell, 35, was stopped as he was leaving the library. Officers found
a syringe on him and 17 others in his vehicle, Michalec said.
"It was unprovoked and there's no real motive at this time," Michalec said.
contents of the syringe are still unknown, but authorities said they do
not think it was a drug. Zhu was treated at a hospital and released.
Pannell was charged with assault and possession of criminal tools."
3:46 PM
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