Until we meet alien life forms...
Current mood: handsome
Category: Art and Photography
...we'll always have the Japanese
 From: NSFW Gallery: Blu-Ray Porn, Mechanized Masturbation and Upskirts at Japan's First Sex Show http://www.wired.com/culture/lifestyle/multimedia/2007/10/gallery_tokyo_adult_expo?slide=10&slideView=10 "Clitoraid
is an non-profit organization set up by the Raelian Movement to help
women around the world who have suffered genital mutilation. The
Raelians promote an "adopt a clitoris" campaign and claim to facilitate
surgical clitoris reconstruction. The woman on the right of the photo
is wearing a clitoris costume.
mutilation doesn't seem to be a big issue in Japan, and the Realians'
adoption of the issue is a mystery. There are several serious
nonprofits around the world trying to stop genital mutilation. The
Raelians are best known for claiming to have cloned the first human
baby, without offering proof.
the Raelians' stall sat U.S. porn star Tera Patrick and her bald,
tattooed handler. After staring at the young women for a while, the
handler turned to me and asked, "Why is that Japanese chick wearing a
shoe costume?" Patrick wasn't getting much attention and looked pretty
Photo: Tony McNicol"
1:41 AM
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