The fourth part of the Trinity
Current mood: melancholy
Category: Art and Photography
pseudonym, the online name, comes from more than just one area of
interest. It’s the interesection of several activities, either
the hardware or the concepts involed in the activity.
After a
long day of pushing gym weights, cranking Symphony X, and putting even
more toys on the assault rifle, it’s nice to open the mailbox and get a
copy of Heavy Metal magazine.
If you’re not familiar, it’s a very pretty book of graphic art, from
short sketchbooks of stills, to extended sci-fi or fantasy
stories. It’s adult-oriented, and some bits get either raunchy or
downright puerile. But the bulk of the book is just gorgeous to
look at, and sometimes thought-provoking (as good sci-fi should be!).
The cover of the latest issue really caught my attention, so I share it here with a few comments. [please allow some time to load!] The image is one of the most beautiful renderings I’ve ever seen.

first thing I noticed? Not the subject scene, where this woman
pricks her finger while reading what we must expect is a saddening
letter, staining her glowing satin dress; nor did I first look at the
contrast of the blood on that white dress; no - I noticed the
knee. Knees are hard to draw. Especially to make one look
attractive. But there it is, in perfectly accurate anatomical
detail, fully functional, but somehow delicate and beautiful.
Boots. Mmm... boooots. Enough said.
see all the detail in the sofa, but it’s all deliberately muted.
It fills the scene with detail, but still presents contrast to the
bright white dress, which itself is no less detailed.
again at the figure, I see that she’s not just another young female
fantasy model. She’s drawn in modest proportion, and clearly not
that young. She’s got to be old enough to deal with her situation
with complicated mixed feelings. That adds a great deal to the
impact of the image.
I see also that this issue continues the
"Requiem" series, every page of which has as much detail and
composition as this cover. Do yourself a favor - grab a copy.
Credit for that cover is given to Lorenzo Sperlonga.
Heavy Metal: Music From The Motion Picture By Various Artists Release date: By 14 March, 1995 |
1:00 AM
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