Completely Unsurprising News of the Day
Category: News and Politics
Completely Unsurprising News of the Day
Van Halen cancels the balance of their current tour! http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/Entertainment/2008/03/03/report_rest_of_van_halen_tour_scrapped/1599/ http://www.tmz.com/2008/03/02/van-halen-tour-unhinged/ TMZ is blaming Eddie for having a wee bit of relapse.
Now who could've possibly seen this coming? Such nice boys, all with stable pasts and who always got along so well... Such a surprise. It's really amazing that I didn't go stand in line to get tickets for this tour and schedule time off work to go and really enjoy the show.
Catherine Mackinnon puts out a book with an odd title to get attention! http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080222/ennew_afp/entertainmentbritainpublishingoffbeat_080222095517 ""Are Women Human? And Other International Dialogues" by Catharine A. MacKinnon"
Ms. Mackinnon, a Michigan law professor, is simply my most favorite anti-humanist anti-feminist victimologist of all time. We should make her president! Right after we outlaw testicles and ban women from ever leaving the house, lest the poor dears be exposed to that nasty world out there with which they can't possibly cope.
Microsoft cuts price of Windows Vista! http://www.zdnetasia.com/news/software/0,39044164,62038379,00.htm So, you got this operating system... you say it's a lot slower than the old one, has no substantial new features, needs a much more powerful computer to run it, adds a bunch more bugs without fixing many old ones, doesn't work with lots of existing hardware - and it's going to cost double what the old one did. Sounds like a winner to me!
9:55 AM
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