Today’s pissing match
Current mood: gallant
Category: Music
it's the hip thing to point out how eclectic one's tastes are.
For example, you could put up a list of what's on you're iPod, broken
down by multivarious category. Personally, I'd rather take a
stand and show the world just how narrow my focus can be, in the
appropriate venue! So, on my non-Apple digital media player
usually live a couple of the following (me being the very-un-official
archivist of Dee Snider's House of Hair):
the bulk of what gets on the portable player, it being used mostly for
workouts. [hint hint: point a bittorrent client at one of those!]
on rare occasion it'll get cleaned out for a plane trip, maybe a few
symphonies will slip in, or even a Blackmore's Night album. [look
em up, you'll be amused]
Oh, alright... I'm going to break down
and do it. This is the list of folders on the PC at work, just a
slice of what's on the big drive at home.

Diana Krall has made the last hour of the day go by more often than I care to admit... though Rebecca Parris is better. [the Michigan Marching Band got in there after I gained a Buckeye office mate]
Humanity Hour 1 By Scorpions Release date: By 28 August, 2007 |
1:40 PM
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